Sun Plumbing and Septic Service installs and repair septic tanks, install and repair drainfields using Infiltrator septic products exclusively.
On-site Septic Systems
A septic system is an on-site wastewater treatment system that processes and purifies household waste (effluent). The effluent consists of blackwater (toilet wastes) and graywater (kitchen sink, bathtub and laundry wastes).
A septic system has two components: a septic tank and a leachfield or drainfield. Primary treatment occurs in the septic tank, where bacteria digest organic materials in the wastewater. The effluent then flows into the leachfield for secondary treatment. Here, bacteria complete the digestion and purification process as the waste water slowly leaches or infiltrates into the soil.
Why Choose Plastic Leachfield Chambers?
Chamber systems are easy to install. Engineered for strength and performance, they have greater design flexibility including a smaller footprint as compared with stone and pipe, and are made from recycled materials. These advantages of Infiltrator chambers add up to cost savings on labor, materials and time savings on the job.